

The Pack has been to Vegas twice. The first time we went for a hockey tournament. The next time we ditched the equipment and just went for the fun of it. We put the theory that you really can't get arrested in Vegas to the test. Happily, we were correct. We also have the theory that everyone wants to party with the Pack. This theory was also proved true on both trips. First, there was the bronze butt caper. People practically begged to help us take pictures of our jerseys draping the bronze bas relief sculpture outside of the Riveria Hotel - at 2:00am in the morning. Then there was the bus ride with Marilynn and Linda engaging the entire bus in a rousing rendition of "The Lion Sleeps Tonight". No matter where we go, we draw a crowd, get the joint dancing and have a great time.

Kentucky 2004

Dubbed "The White Trash Boat Trip" by some, The Pack took Kentucky by storm. Let's just say jaws dropped, eyes popped and a guy named Matt will never be the same.

Kentucky 2006

The Marquis has been renamed to protect the innocent and is now known as the Mystic. This year we out partied 5 former NFL players - before even leaving the dock. We had more beverages left after 3 days/3 nights than they brought (hey, it's a dry county and the Pack has never been known to under plan). Matt had taken to wearing two t-shirts; undoubtedly due to the trauma he experienced two summers earlier. The dock hands all wanted to deliver our grocery order (tip 'em "D"). Sherry rocked the karaoke machine and had us in stitches (only she could incorporate episiotomy into a rap). And, oh yeah, she captained the boat you see - brought 'er back without a scratch. The Pack heartily endorses a houseboat vacation for anyone seeking a great time. Click on the Marquise to check out our houseboat rental company of choice.

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